Different programme Run by sewa bharti for Medical Facilitation
Arogya mitra yojana Gujarat
Started in 1993 by inspiration of Rajvaidya Hardikarji
Absolutely Ayurvedic Project called as “Ayurved Sevakary”
creating Reverence to Ayurveda
Develop Healthy life style by concept of Ayurveda
Spreading the knowledge of Herbal medicine
Making Svasthya Toilets (Group)
Arrangement of Health awareness programs by Swasthy Toli
My village Healthy village
Work Style
Cluster base work. Per Cluster 5 to7 villages
Sevakary should start in every village of Cluster
Giving Kit of Medicine by lokarpan karyakram
Contains of Kit
Medicines (25 Kind)
Photos (Bhagvan Dhanvantari & Bharatmata)
Guide book Etc
Important Instructions to Arogyamitra
Kit of medicines is our Peti of worship. We have maintain cleanliness & purity
We have introduce all medicine to our family
To treat and to give proper advice to beneficiary is our humble duty
Every Dispensing medicine is free of cost
First dosage of medicine should be taken in our presence.
Beneficiary should remember God whom he worships before take medicine
List of Medicine
Mahasudarshan Vati
Hingvastak Powder
Sunthi (Ginger) powder
Kapoor Kachli Powder
Pippali (Piper longum) powder
Ashvagandha Tablet
Haritaki (Belleric myrobalan) Powder
Black pepper powder
Baheda (Bellica) Powder
Catechu Bark powder
Ambala (Amblica) powder
Ajmod (Thyme)
Guduchi powder
Asafoetida powder
Gokshur (Land Caltrops)Powder
Clearing Nut seeds
Vidang powder
Bilvadi tel
Nagkesar powder
Irimedadi tel
Manjistha Powder
SHadbindu tel
Kadachhal (Holerina anti dysentrica) powder
Netra Bindu
Kuvadiya beej powder
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